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New Utility Billing Software


Dear Residents,

We are thrilled to inform you about an exciting development in our water department – the adoption of a new and improved utility billing software. This change is aimed at enhancing your overall experience with our services and providing you with advanced features to manage your water usage and billing more efficiently. Please be aware that your water bill will be different in appeance as well. It will come on an 8 x 11 paper instead of a post card. 

One of the key highlights of the new software is the introduction of a customer portal designed exclusively for you. This portal will empower you to monitor your water usage, conveniently pay bills online, set up notifications for billing reminders, and establish a direct line of communication with the water department. We believe these features will not only streamline the billing process but also offer you greater control and convenience in managing your water account.

However, it's important to note that the new software will not support draft payments in the same way as the old software. Each customer enrolled in draft payments will be required to configure their ACH payments using the AutoPay feature within the customer portal. We want to ensure a smooth transition for all our residents, and as such, we anticipate that the bills due in January will be processed through the new system. To assist you in this transition, we recommend that you take the following steps:

  1. **Contact City Hall** Each customer will have a unique access code and your account number (with dashes) to set up your portal, this will be on your first bill, however, you may contact City Hall and request your information to set up prior to receiving your bill.

    2.**Set Up Your Customer Account:**  Visit the provided link to create your customer account on the new portal, with your access code. https://cityofdaingerfield.secure.munibilling.com/customers/sign_in

  1. **Configure Your Billing Preferences:** Once your account is set up, take a moment to customize your billing preferences according to your convenience.

If you encounter any challenges during this process or have questions about the new system, our team at City Hall at 903-645-3906 ext. 9 is more than happy to assist you. Feel free to reach out to us, and we'll provide the support you need to ensure a seamless transition.

We understand that change can be an adjustment, and we appreciate your cooperation as we work to improve our services for you. Thank you for your understanding and proactive engagement in this process.

Best regards,

Michelle Jones, Interim City Manager/City Secretary